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What is Vocal Balance?

Have you ever struggled for a high note, felt out of breath after singing a single phrase, or experienced a break in your voice? Have you ever hoped to train your voice to sing in multiple styles but felt limited by your current abilities? If so, you’ve probably longed for a magic bullet that would […]

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I'm Chelsea!
Broadway vocal coach and voice teacher specializing in mix voice technique, musical theatre and pop styles. IVA Certified Teacher & IVA Ambassador
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Gimme that
learn to sing with a mix voice like Ariana Grande, Ben Platt, Brendan Urie, Whitney Houston

How do I find my Mix Voice? And what is mixing anyway?? Have you ever tried to go for a high note and been thwarted by a massive crack in your voice? Have you ever wondered how to eliminate the break between your low notes and high notes? Learning how to mix should help you […]

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where vocal technique meets artistry

I'm a performer turned voice teacher turned champion for artists creating sustainable and fulfilling careers.

I'm an expert in mix voice and musical theatre performance. And I believe there's a place for every singer!

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